To All The Dads Out There

Hello FAM! Yesterday was Father’s Day and I just wanted to share a snippet of my day with you all. If you follow me on Instagram, you’re already in the loop and caught up. I hope you’re doing well, kicking ass and taking names, or at least hanging in there and doing your best. If you’re struggling, it’s going to be okay. Really.

Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there! To dads who do their best to show up for their kids in new and amazing ways every single day. To dads who do the work and are breaking cycles. To the dads of fur babies, dads who want children but it hasn’t happened yet, to dads who lovingly adopted their babies and wonderful stepfathers. To the dads who have lost, we see you.

Francesco, having a kid together is hard and some days I fantasize about burying you in the garden. Other days, you chase our active tot through the house and he laughs and you laugh and you throw him in the air and you look at him like he’s all the matters in the world and I love you for it. You laugh easily and are focused and loving. I’m always impressed by how hard you work and the many ways that you try to show up for Leo, even when it’s unnatural for you because you never learned it or hard. I love listening to you teach Leone Italian. And can’t wait for him to speak 4+ languages like you.

Dad, thank you for coming to America and generously spreading your seed far and wide so I have many lovely siblings and fodder to make fun of you forever. Thank you for being generous with your laughter and even more generous with your time. Thank you for being the dad who will spend all day in a coffee shop talking about everything for hours. And for being an amazing chef who has raised kids to be proud of their ethnicity and heritage and love culture and food. You’re the most stubborn man I’ve ever met, but you’re also one of the most loving. Love you.

My stepdad!! Mom married you when I was in my twenties. I didn’t grow up with you but honestly I wish I had. You’re the sweetest stepdad a person could ask for. Thanks for being such a warm addition to the fam.

Dads Documentary

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